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Anneke van Til, Partner


Individual development

In outplacement AVOP guides employees from work to work. Every employee is re-employable, in our view. Sometimes this requires letting go of the familiar and treading new paths, but it remains possible. The setup and content of the modular programme will be determined together with the participant, with keeping the organisational budget into account.

Exploratory conversation?

What does it bring?

With AVOP, outplacement gives employees faith in their future. They learn to approach the employment market from their own power and create opportunities. Saying goodbye to employees with care also has a positive effect on the organisation as a whole

  • Employees know their own strengths and drivers
  • Are encouraged to undertake concrete action
  • Know how to find their way in the employment market
  • Meet the new chapter with closure of the last
  • As such, they contribute to the team result
  • Saying goodbye in a correct manner means a new start fort he leaving, but definitely also for the remaining employees

Why Avop?

What Avop can do for your organisation

AVOP opts for an approach in which the employee is challenged to come to his own decisions in terms of the continuation of his career. This provides a basis for sustainable career development. This enables the employee to self-direct in later career issues too. Guidance is conducted by experienced career coaches, who can deploy a variety of different instruments , methods and e-tools.

  • Guidance by experienced career consultants/psychologists
  • Participant and consultant determine the desired outplacement trajectory (modular in structure)
  • We stimulate, activate and extend concrete tools, but do not take over responsibility
  • Possibility of career assessment
  • Succes rate of over 90 percent

Interested? Call (020) 615 54 56 or mail to info@avop.nl

How do we work?

AVOP offers outplacement in modules. When it comes to projects, the organisation makes the choice of modules together with the consultant, based on the budget. After a non-binding intake conversation with the consultant, the participants will create their own suitable modular programme. Group targeted guidance is also possible.

  • Non-binding intake conversation
  • Each trajectory is made-to-measure and is modular in structure
  • Candidate and consultant determine the programme jointly
  • The participant is stimulated and challenged to personally take up direction
  • Both individual and large scale trajectories