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Stefan Heinis, Partner

Career assessment

Individual development

Do you have an employee who wants (or needs) to make a switch in terms of career? The career assessment is the designated instrument to direct the process of looking for a new position. The assessment clarifies competences, points for development and affinity/predilection. These form the basis of our advice in terms of development- and educational trajectories and positions in the right sectors. Are you looking for another type of assessment or a more expansive form of career guidance?

Exploratory conversation? Book an assessment now

What does it bring?

You will receive a custom-made work report within 5 days. This contains an extensive description of competency groups, a strength-weakness analysis, an affinity profile, focused positions and sectors, a development-, education- and concrete career advice. This offers input for the employee and the organisation to conduct further conversations and get to work in the process of searching for a new and suitable career step.

  • Concrete and clear career advice
  • Extensive custom-made work report which consists of: description of the competence groups, strength-weakness analysis, affinity- and motivational profile and focused advice about suitable positions and sectors
  • Focused advice for development and education
  • Tools for both the employee and the organisation

Why Avop?

What Avop can do for your organisation

We offer a visible contribution to the development of organisations and employees. The client’s wishes are our starting point. With each form of assessment, we seek personal contact in order to take stock. Furthermore, we work with tried-and-tested methods. Our consultants are experienced registered psychologists NIP Labour- and Organisation-psychology and career coaches. And you will have your personal contacts within our organisation

  • Personal and result-oriented
  • Co-makership in organisational development
  • Working from the knowledge within your organisation
  • Professional, based on tried-and-tested methods and Cotan-certified personality tests
  • Experienced career consultants/coaches
  • Expertise in job market developments
  • Each assessment is custom-made
  • Personal accountmanager and dedicated team
  • Cedeo-certified

Interested? Call (020) 615 54 56 or mail to info@avop.nl

How do we work?

After the comprehensive intake with the client and/or participant, we arrange the career assessment. The participant digitally receives the personality tests and will be required to be present at our office location for one day. The custom-made assessment programme consists of tests involving personality, motivation, capacities, affinities and interests. Based on these, we come to our initial image. This is complemented by a roleplay and an interview. At the end of the day, the insights and career advice will be discussed in depth with the participant.

  • Intake with you as our client
  • Intake with participant (optional)
  • Inviting the participant by AVOP
  • Personality test will be conducted digitally beforehand
  • Programme: capacity tests, additional questionnaires (i.a. drivers-, affinities- and interests-tests), simulation(s), roleplay(s) and a comprehensive interview
  • Interpretation and discussing the findings and advice with an experienced career consultant/coach
  • A full custom-made work report is available within 5 days