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Stefan Heinis, Partner

Executive Assessment

Individual assessment

The Executive Assessment is specifically designed for issues of selection and development of managing directors, board members and supervisors. With this assessment we explore matters such as navigating a complex power configuration, developing a vision and strategy and handling different styles of leadership. The assessment will be executed by senior consultants (psychologists and consultants with a business background). These will also act as sparring partners. Are you looking for another assessment type?

Exploratory conversation? Book an assessment now

What does it bring?

End result is a custom-made work report which you will receive within 5 business days after the assessment. The report clearly states the suitability or developability of a candidate with clear descriptions of a maximum of 7 competences. In addition, we give you an impression of underlying mechanisms based on concrete behaviour and psychological ‘underlayment’. This offers an outlook on the developability.

  • Clear and concise selection advice
  • Extensive custom-made work report; general image, description of 7 competences, strength-weakness analysis, concrete advice for development and conclusion
  • Description of concrete behaviour and underlying psychological mechanisms
  • Advice in terms of developability

Why Avop?

What Avop can do for your organisation

As a sparring-partner, AVOP contributes to the development of organisations and managing directors. As a client, you will find our experienced consultants act as your sounding board. They have been proficient in business and/or ‘not for profit’ organisations, organisaties, as assessor and coach on C-level (They think along with you and mirror in terms of business proficiency, with labour- and organisational psychology as their expertise.

  • Personal and result-oriented
  • Sparring partner in organisational development
  • Working from knowledge of your organisation
  • Combination of psychological and business perspective
  • Two senior consultants (minimum of 15 years experience)
  • Professional, based on tried-and-tested methods and Cotan certified personality tests
  • Every assessment is custom-made
  • Personal account manager and dedicated client team
  • Cedeo certified
  • Additional possibilities: Executive Coaching

Interested? Call (020) 615 54 56 or mail to info@avop.nl

How do we work?

During the intake, we quickly and accurately determine your goals and we explore the specific role and context of the senior position. Subsequently, we arrange the organisation of the assessment and we develop a custom-made work programme. Beforehand, the participant receives the personality test digitally and will be spending one day at our office location. With the aid of personality-, capacity- and additional tests, a roleplay and an interview, we form an image. At the end of the day the results will be discussed with the participant. If desired, you will also be given the advice, at the end of the day.

  • Extensive intake with you as our client
  • Development custom-made work programme
  • Inviting the participant by AVOP
  • Personality tests are digitally conducted  beforehand
  • Programme: capacity-, motivational and additional tests, simulation and interview
  • Roleplay with expansive evaluation
  • Interpretation and direct feedback by experienced assessment consultant
  • Custom-made work report available within 5 days