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Manja van de Lande, Senior Advisor

Competence profiling

Organisational assessment

Would you like to appraise your employees differently than solely based on results in the yearly performance review? Do you have a job classification system, scales and valuations, but are you not fully equipped to measure the performance of your employees? Or would you like to integrate all your HRM-processes and make sure that everyone speaks the same language? AVOP competence profiling offers the answer, in professionalising your HRM-strategy.

Exploratory conversation?

What does it bring?

Competences are the building blocks of a solid and integrated HRM-strategy. AVOP helps you develop a competence model that can be the stepping stone for a host of HRM-processes. Think recruiting new colleagues, or developing and appraising employees. The model can be applied to acquire an insight into the existing and the desired culture.

  • Competence model with building blocks to professionalise HRM-processes
  • Grip for performance review conversations
  • Structuring of job-descriptions
  • Clarifying and improving the communication between manager and employee

Why Avop?

What Avop can do for your organisation

AVOP has been supporting managers, HRM-professionals and policy-makers for years, in order to help them obtain more insight into the organisation. It is our philosophy that competences are the building blocks of a clear and unified policy in the organisation. Competences form a language, as it were, with which people within all divisions in the organisation can communicate with each other. They are also applicable in almost any HRM-process.

  • Coproduction with your organisation
  • Vast experience with competence modelling, with attention to people and organisation
  • Experience in different markets and segments
  • Custom-made competences, with value for your organisation

Interested? Call (020) 615 54 56 or mail to info@avop.nl

How do we work?

Creating a competence-handbook requires thorough preparation. Primarily, we look at the current documentation, to identify whether a direction has been established into which we may move further. Subsequently, AVOP-consultants organise workshops in which managers are enabled to look at the competences per position and discuss these in order to come to a consensus about a competence model, which will consequently be conceived with broad support.

  • Intake to determine goals
  • Creating initial competences
  • Organising competence-workshops
  • Refining and operationalising competence-profiles
  • Feedback in the form of a comprehensive competence-handbook
  • Structuring and integrating in HRM-processes