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Sebastiaan Spaan

Personal coaching


My name is Sebastiaan Spaan (1984), senior advisor with AVOP, and I am active in conducting (executive) assessments, coaching and development questions over the full spectrum of organisations. I have worked with AVOP from 2015 onwards, in an enthusiastic (anything is possible) and transcending (I often ask the why-question) manner. Self-reflection is the main theme in my life, after having worked in a fundamental manner with the questions “who am I, what am I capable of and what do I want (in life)?” during my schoolyears and studies. I use the knowledge and experience I acquired in this period (also from my studies in psychology) on a daily basis in my coaching sessions. In addition, I work with a sportsman’s mindset; I have been a high level hockey player in my junior years, and looking for a challenge, making the most of it, and the desire to win are a theme I use within coaching.

Coaching questions

Based upon the above, people who want to fundamentally reflect on their own drivers and motivations will come to fruition while working with me. “Who am I? Why do I do the things I do, am I still happy with the things I do, what is (indeed) a true fit for me?” are themes within which I guide people.

Work method

Together with my coachee, and in a fairly low key manner, I zoom in on the (unconscious) mechanisms/reflexes or blind spots, that are in the way of achieving what the coachee truly wants. And subsequently, I zoom out in order to see the totality, the (life- and work-) context, and together we place this within the context of society (what is the most practical thing to do).

Furthermore, I am critical, I confront and explore the discrepancies and incongruences in your own behaviour, but anything goes, and there is nothing that is required. As a consequence of my education in progression-oriented coaching, I like to look at what you already do, which choices you would like to maintain and what the possibilities are.

Personal quotes:

Do or do not, there is no try. Yoda
Truth is very simple, don’t complicate it. - Papaji
Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. – Einstein.