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Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam (VCA) (Volunteer Centre Amsterdam)

Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam is an urban organisation that has been active for over 25 years. Most important activities are: mediating for volunteers, extending advice to volunteer organisations, and promoting working as volunteer. In addition, they offer education and counselling to VCA employees, in training and workshops, they execute projects that will create increased attention for certain target groups and they develop innovative products.
VCA’s objective is to help people from all walks of life to be socially active in a meaningful and useful manner, and as such strengthen social organisations. VCA connects people and volunteer projects, in order to help them in helping each other. VCA employs highly driven individuals with passion and conviction, with a belief in people and the importance of a well-functioning society. Please look at VCA’s website:www.vca.nu for more information and, who knows, to volunteer.

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