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Alain Verbeek


Alain Verbeek is partner and consultant with AVOP. After his studies Labour- and Organisational Psychology, Alain worked for GITP Business-psychologists, and subsequently he made the transition as a consultant for AVOP. In the years that he has been associate with AVOP, he has come to fruition in a broad sense, as HR-consultant with the focus on assessment, coaching/career guidance and training (both in terms of process and content). Working with groups and individuals, and all facilitating and consulting related, takes places against the backdrop of the work context. This is by no means of hindrance in his being personal with people. As assessment consultant he seeks depth and promotes quality by focusing on personal development themes which may play part in managing or influencing others. Group coaching is a work form that is dear to him, since it triggers participants to truly look into themselves. As facilitator, one is on the one hand an outsider (who is required to keep his professional distance), and on the other hand, one is at the centre of the group on account of empathizing with what they are going through. In addition, he facilitates leadership development trajectories within several different organisations and institutes (both profit and non-profit), sometimes paired with a change of culture. Over the years, he has found that his strength lies in ease of contact; a mix of openness and spontaneity, which creates a basis of trust relatively swiftly and which allows him to be legitimately direct.