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Janique Wienk


After her studies Labour & Organisational Psychology, Janique took a year’s time to travel and see more of the world. Thereafter, she worked in recruitment and selection, and subsequently specialised as assessment psychologist. With a number of consultancies, amongst which AVOP, she learned the ropes of the assessment profession in mapping the talents and pitfalls of people. In doing so she has a respectful and personal approach. Since 2011, Janique Wienk has been an associate consultant with AVOP. Since she is drawn by the personal and professional development of people, she decided to enrol in a professional coaching education. Eversince, a coaching way of working is the essence of her work, and she also works as ‘personal’ and career coach. She has ample experience in assessing, coaching and consulting of people within the work context. Janique disposes of a wide array of interventions and keeps her expertise up to par through yearly training. She is stimulated by jointly exploring desires and qualities of people. She is focused on having people fully come to fruition in (working) life.